Been a while since I updated, sorry.
What's happened....
Okay, We had our cantata at Park Hills on Sunday, that was a lot of fun, we were there before the choir so we got to practice on more time, the choir/bus got lost, but they arrived in plenty of time. : )
The choir sounded good, and I really liked how, at the end when everyone sang it was SOOO loud! I really liked that a lot.
The choir sounded good, and I really liked how, at the end when everyone sang it was SOOO loud! I really liked that a lot.
So, the play:
For those who don't know, my part in the play was very small, I flirt with a guy who has a lot of money, then dump him over the phone when he runs out.
So I really don't know if I should be flattered or offended when people say "You are really good at that!"... no just kidding, it's fun. ; )
The play went really well, there were no big mix-ups in lines or anything.
And I think we all act pretty well. : )
Lets see... what else....
I worked Monday and Tuesday. I have to work Friday from 4 - 12, which, I don't want to work that late, but I would be fine if it weren't for the fact that my ACT is the next morning. I'm nervous as it is.
I can't really ask off though, because I'd been asking for more hours, so now they give me some... oh well, I'm pretty sure I'll be okay.
Tuesday I worked until 8, and as walked outside to my car I looked up, and there was the pepsi truck, parking me in.
It was fine though, I just had to hang out for another 10 minutes, and it makes kind of a funny story.
...kinda like that camping trip...
We found out a little while ago, that the German Shepherd we had, Reggie, (who we had had to give back to the original owner because of the adoption) had to be put to sleep because he had a tumor. : (
So, it did work out well though, because we didn't have to do it.
I'm having trouble with the blog, so I'll put a couple of pics of him in a seperate post, later.
He was a cutie!
So, molly went to the vet because she's super fat and is losing her fur, she's got a thyroid problem, but nothing wrong with other internal organs so, she's good. *YAY*
Very excited, I get to go hang out with Melissa Ham tonight, we are going to go see "Fireproof" So excited! Love Melissa!
The Coolbaughs (my youth pastor and his family) came over Tuesday night, I was looking at pictures and it looked like they had a good time, but I was stuck behind a pepsi truck so I wouldn't know first hand... : )
I love the Coolbaughs so much, they really encourage all of us to grow. I am so thankful they came, I really don't think I would be the way I am now without them coming.
God works in all things.
I think that's about all I got right now... I cannot wait until Christmas, I am sooooooooo excited about what my sibs and I got my parents! I tell you that later. so excited!
Alrighty I need to go do school math now.
Talk to ya later!
(Hi Emma!!!)
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
1 comment:
HI HANNAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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