So, we had the play last Sunday night, it went really well, I messed up my lines but unless you saw the play being practiced you really couldn't tell, because I was supposed to speak in broken sentances, jumping from one thing to another that worked out well. :D
(btw did you hear that some Russian guy copyrighted the emoticon???)
Thursday I saw Fireproof with Melissa, had a fantastic time. Good company, good movie, good time!
Thursday was also the day my Dad had his tonsillectomy. (He got his tonsils taken out)
He's doing okay, he's had it rough and is craving real food. But it still hurts to swallow I guess.
He says he feels like Vito Corleone from the Godfather, beckoning people close and then mumbling at them. :D He's so funny!
Well, I said I'd post pictures of Reggie, our German Shepherd (from the last post)
so here he was:

He was such a good dog!
Not a whole lot else to say...
I watched Horton Hears a who, and Kit Kittredge
(both very cute)
I plan to review those on
Night all!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
SIGH! I miss Reggie.
Me too!
Yes I miss hearing about Reggie, about how you had to feed him, away from Molly... when you had to pick up dog stuff in the yard under the snow... how you had to wipe his muddy feet after rain and/or snow ... what a pain in the butt he was ;) Although I miss the most was when ONE of you would bark/howl to get him to do it and he would... then he would have all of YOU doing it so he would do it... you are a well trained family :) Mwah :) He was a good pup...
NOT a GOOD pup, a GREAT pup.
He loved you and your kids too, he waited on the landing for you to get up the stairs!! How good of a dog is that???? VERY...
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