It was GREAT. I absolutely loved it. eh, most of the time anyway :) My classes were awesome (I didn't have to take a science class and I didn't fail PE or Speech so it's all good).
My roommates both semesters were great. My first semester one of my roomates was a graduating senior. She was a great testimony to me and a great help. She made my first semester absolutely WONDERFUL.
I switched rooms during the second semester to be with one of my friends-DANA!!! :) Who was also a great roomie!-- And her roomate Sharon. It was a lot of fun :) We had pineapple with sunglasses, discovered we liked Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches and just had a great time overall.

What is great is that it moved me to Griffith Tower which has rooms about 1/3 the size of Bradley tower (where I was originally). I wasn't sure I'd like it but I like it better than Bradley :) I like having only around...70ish girls on a floor compared to 100...ish.
Classes were AMAZING
Mr. Zila and Mr. Sleeth and MIss Allnutt are the BEST!
History of Civ with Mr. Zila was fantastic. He was great at making his point :) Very good at explaining the differences between Communism and Socialism. LOVED it!
New Testament Survey with Mr. Sleeth was also fantastic, a great teacher who let me ask him about a dozen questions :)
Miss Allnutt!!! English class was fun. nuff said.
Overall I did pretty well, first quarter of the 2nd semester was rough but pulled it back up for the second half. Made Dean's List 3 times :)
My history final though was AMAZING. It was my last final and so I studied more
for the stuff before it. (Still hadn't gotten the hang of studying before finals week) Anyway, I knew that I was
not ready when I went in to take the test. Went through the first page and
guessed most of it, most weren't even educated guesses because I had no idea. Pretty much all I knew was stuff that
had to do with WWII. I prayed "Lord just help me pass" and kept going. I knew a
little bit more as I went but still wasn't comfortable. Got to the end of the
test and answered two questions wrong, those I was sure of. :) That evening I
checked my grade online. 99% I seriously thought that he had posted someone
else's grade in my account. I checked off and on for the next 2 or 3 days
expecting it to change. The only thing I can figure is that the last two
questions were only worth 1/2 a point since it was a 100 question test. That
means I answered the other 98 questions over content (starting from the Russian
Czars to Modern Day) correct. I know I did not know that material :) God let me
pass it and pass it well :)
But, I loved my classes, and I get to take my first Missions class next semester!!
And it is true: The more you feel like an idiot while performing your speech, the better a grade you get :)
Oh, and I changed my broad field (similar to a minor) to Elementary Education!
I made quite a few friends :) Dana of course (met on Facebook and then shared a room), Julie and Mike (Work will not be nearly as much fun w/out you Julie!) Amanda and Candace (Yay Printshop!?) To name a very few :) It's way fun!
I also met this guy who sat in front of me at the workers meeting...and then sat in front of me for 1st hour History...then I went downstairs to 2nd hour Math and there he was again! Sat right in front of me! We've been dating 7 months now. Ross Slane, my best friend ever! He's pretty cool, a missions/pastoral major from Ohio. He's off to Ghana for the next two weeks so please pray for him and his team. you can find updates on the trip here if you're interested.

Hmm...what else to say....don't know...think I'm done for the evening. Night all!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
That's awesome. We need to stay in better touch next semester. Been praying for you, hope you enjoy your summer.
Miss Allnut WAS alot of fun. She was very out there and many times i dont think her head was even in the classroom..... possibly thinking of tickling whale chins.....
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