Monday, November 10, 2008

No Clever Title Tonight

Sooo... A lot has happened since I last updated.

Abbi figured out my password for one... have to change that...
no just kidding, I let her update for me.

Lets see... I worked election night, that was nice. It was really slow, 'cuz everyone was at home watching the election I guess.

So, Obama is now our President-elect. I have to say, I don't agree with the man, but, as my President, he will have my prayers and my respect. (Romans13:7)
You do realize, that God appoints our President, since He is the one who puts rulers into place. (Romans 13:1) so, whining about your leader is criticizing God's decision.

Okay, so, last Thursday went over to my Aunt and Uncles house and spent the night so I could put my cousins on the bus in the morning for them. That was pretty cool. (I really like having my license) I watched "Pride and Prejudice" with Kiera Knightly. I really like Jane Austen's works, I'll have to actually read her books one of these days. : )

Friday I went over to my Grandma's house and spent the night, I watched "Pride and Prejudice" and "Santa Clause 3"

I like "Pride and Prejudice" Okay?

The cold weather has finally hit, and it is very cold. The days have gotten that snowy look to them and it gets dark really early, so Christmas is on my mind.

(My absolute favorite holiday by the way.)

I work tomorrow, have two tests, English and Math. Took my American Government test today and think I did well.

Sunday, I went to my Aunt and Uncles for my cousin's birthday party, had a very nice time, then had AWANA's with my Sparkies!!!

Was feeling kinda lonely Sunday, but, feeling better now.
My sisters and I got to spend like an hour Sunday night talking to my Dad about anything and everything, it was very cool. My parents are awesome.

So, found out my GPA was 2.53, so it still needs to go up. I'm trying to do better in school, to make myself work at it. But, me being lazy, makes it difficult, so that's an area I'm trying to grow in.

NANC is two weeks away already! Can you believe that?! The third and final session. : (

I've been playing on the piano more lately, I'm trying to combine two pieces of music that I have. (Carol of the Bells and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. My two favorite Christmas songs) That's going okay but not fantastic, I don't know if I'll be able to do it or not. I can not wait for all of those old horrible Christmas movies to come on TV, Rudolph and Jack Frost, I really like those. I like sitting and watching them with my sisters, with the lights off but the Christmas lights hung inside the room on. The Christmas tree lights on too.

Alrighty, I'm off to go see what my mom's up to. My sisters are watching "Pride and Prejudice" (can you tell we don't own the movie?) and waiting for Heroes to record.

So, night all!

Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19


Anonymous said...

You are awesome!


Andrew Laffety said...

I like the post by your sister. Thats pretty awesome. And good point on the election.

"God is bigger than the president. He's bigger than Obama or the Libr'al DNC. Oh, God is bigger than the president, and He's watching over you and me!"

I love Vegie Tales.