Oh, So not used to having a job. : )
So, worked 8 hours yesterday in comparison to my usual 4. It was okay, just another day of work, only really long. It was a saturday, so really busy, and the people working were:
me (still very slow),
a new Manager/Assitant Manager, (not sure which),
a guy who was only about 2 days my senior, and
an ERP, (Emergency Relief Personnel. They travel from store to store as needed, so he didn't know where anything was).
Because of that, the first couple hours were a little hectic.
It sounds worse than it was though.
It's an okay job, not one I want to have forever and ever, but fine for now.
Church Today! I love being around God's people. And I (usually) love listening to His Word being taught.
When I don't, it means somethings wrong with me, usually in the area of, "I'm doing something wrong"
That's still something that's difficult for me. I don't like to be wrong, but if I don't accept that I'm wrong I can't fix it. So, an area of growth for me.
Another area of growth is that I need to do right because it's the right thing to do, NOT because I don't want to have to go and ask forgiveness for it later. That would be Pride a.k.a, me not seeing myself like God sees me.
Well, I am going to go have some breakfast.
Have a good day all of you.
And I'll see some of you later.
1 comment:
Phil was good today, and so was Kevin. I enjoyed today, even if I was having trouble focusing. And the kid next to me must have sniffed 5 times a minute. I almost punched him in the face I was so on edge. I need to sleep more.
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