Saturday, October 25, 2008
quick update!
Nanc is going well, we talked about communicaton, the role of the husband and wife, and marriage in general.
It's really cool to see God growing people through this!!
Heading off shortly, not sure of everything we're going to be talking about today but I will enjoy it. I love learning about God.
Okay, had a question on the last post. "Since when am I going to BBC? I thougt Pensacola Christian." I decided on BBC pretty much because that is a 'missions' school. and reading in the BBFI information, the wife of a missionary must go through the same education he does. And it would make things eaiser if I just went to BBC rather than another school where I would have to take another semester? Year? (can't remember no time to look, I'll clarify later.) And even thinking about it right now as I type, I also want to get a certificate from the community college involving web design and some other stuff, so. Hopefully BBC next fall! We'll see what God has planned.
Always, whatever God has planned I will be in the center. : )
Talk to you guys later!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Okay, so NANC has come around again, totally excited!
That video on the previous post is NOT a good example of NANC counseling, that is NOT what we're taught!
Just wanted to clarify... is funny though... : )
Not much up right now, family and I are watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Stumbled upon that show which has become a favorite.
Alrighty, I'm gonna go, Night everone!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Awesome. : )
Okay, so, haven't updated in a while, been doing schoolwork. What's happened lately...?
I got my hair chopped short, like, ridiculously short, too short to pull back into a ponytail. That was Wednesday.
Saturday I went to my friend's surprise party, it was really cool, she thought it was her sisters party and then she gets home and it's for her! Had a good time there. Then I went and got my senior pictures taken at a park, some friends from church took them for me. We then went to my parent's class activity "Nacho Night."
I love nachos.
Sunday, had a parent teen lunch played dodgeball-always fun- and drove up to church, then home again, then up to church six times. I think my car is going to automatically drive that direction from now on.
I work tomorrow, 7 to 2 (the only day I work this week), have piano lessons, and then church.
Read a book on George Muller this morning. He was an incredible man, he started out as a prussian theif, and ended up running five houses for orphans in Bristol England all on prayer, he never asked money from anyone but God.
He lived until he was 93! that is back in the 1800's he outlived his first wife, who was eight years older, and his second wife 21 years younger.
As I was reading the book it was at the part where he was studying Hebrew, because he wanted to be a missionary to the Jews, and he had 6 months. And I started getting all excited. He was studying to be a missionary and in about a year I will be too! I don't know, reading that kinda made me able to see myself studing from some big textbook, until then it was just 'yeah, college next year hopefully.' But I'm starting to get excited.
I'll write more about Muller later, he was just an incredible man.
On a much less serious note...
I made a cheese sauce for home ec today and it worked!!! YAY!
The last thing I made for home ec was yeast bread. Ummmmm... Yeah okay, the bread didn't rise at all and it was really heavy, and it didn't cook all of the way through, so I'm very excited about my cheese sauce.
Alrighty, I think that's good for now.
Talk to ya later!
Later Update:::
Changed my background again, because I was having trouble with the formatting on the other one. : )
And the poll for Batman vs Buddy is over. I would like to thank all 5 of you who voted. : ) Buddy the elf won with 3 votes, Batman only received 1, and Don't make me choose got 1 vote.
alrighty, night all.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Motions
I really like my manager, Dave, he's very easy to approach when I have a question.
Took my sisters over to their friends house so, home alone watching the Cosby Show right now. Might watch the Godfather later, I don't know.
Have to do schoolwork tomorrow.
Have a vocation and patriotic project to work on and homework.
Listening to Matthew West earilier. Has a really good chorus in the song "The Motions"
"I don't wanna go through the motions
I don't wanna go one more day,
Without your all-consuming
Passion inside of me.
I don't wanna spend my whole life askin'
'What if I had given everything, instead of goin' throught the motions?'"
I thought it was really good.
Trying to figure out how to get music to play on this so I can play "The Center" but, it involves html and I have absolutely NO idea how to mess with that so-
I'm off. My class is going to paintball tomorrow, I have to miss
: ( I LOVE paintball. Oh well.
Friend day, Sunday curious to see how many people come.
Alrighty, Night all!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Just finished watching "The Magnificent Seven" for the first time.
It ended just as happily as "The Great Escape" did. (I'll whine about that movie later)
The final line in the magnificent seven was.
"We always lose"
How happy sounding is that? (this would be after the 7 was reduced to 2)
I liked it though, just like I like the Great Escape, it just catches me off guard when it's not happily ever after Like "El Dorado." : )
Well, it is only 7:55, I'm finished with school, have no chores to do, YAY! Gonna have a nice night.
Finished reading Macbeth, and really don't know what happened... I know Macbeth and his wife and several other people died, but, I'm kinda confused on who did what, when and how.
Hope my teacher explains it. (He's not nearly as good as Mrs. Schmuck was.)
Well, I'm going to go see what my family is watching downstairs.
Night All!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Batman or Buddy?
At one point the new Batman movie was being discussed when the question came up:
Who's better? Batman or Buddy the Elf?

You decide!
(I still haven't seen any of the new batman movies so my vote goes to Buddy!)
: )
Not much going on this week. I work thursday and friday, and will have to do some schoolwork on saturday.
I like the fact that I ended up taking American Government during the Presidential election. I'm learning how a lot of this stuff works. Pretty cool.
Not doing much right now, half watching "Primeval" A british TV show where there are 'anomalies' allowing dinosaurs and the like to travel to the present day, where our heroes must find them and send them back (a) before the anomalie closes. (b) without the public finding out. Not a very good plot, but fun to watch.
Kind of like "Speed Racer"
Well, I guess I'm gonna go.
Night All!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
So, worked 8 hours yesterday in comparison to my usual 4. It was okay, just another day of work, only really long. It was a saturday, so really busy, and the people working were:
me (still very slow),
a new Manager/Assitant Manager, (not sure which),
a guy who was only about 2 days my senior, and
an ERP, (Emergency Relief Personnel. They travel from store to store as needed, so he didn't know where anything was).
Because of that, the first couple hours were a little hectic.
It sounds worse than it was though.
It's an okay job, not one I want to have forever and ever, but fine for now.
Church Today! I love being around God's people. And I (usually) love listening to His Word being taught.
When I don't, it means somethings wrong with me, usually in the area of, "I'm doing something wrong"
That's still something that's difficult for me. I don't like to be wrong, but if I don't accept that I'm wrong I can't fix it. So, an area of growth for me.
Another area of growth is that I need to do right because it's the right thing to do, NOT because I don't want to have to go and ask forgiveness for it later. That would be Pride a.k.a, me not seeing myself like God sees me.
Well, I am going to go have some breakfast.
Have a good day all of you.
And I'll see some of you later.
Friday, October 3, 2008
So I've been playing around with that for a while. Made these two last night and this morning.
Those are pictures we took when we went to England in 2003

And the one above is pictures from Peru in 2007.
Ah! I could do that stuff all day.
Had a question in one of the comments.
Yes, Fireproof is a "Christian movie"
and, according to number 4 in the box office! mad over $6 MILLION! how cool is that!
Also had a request for some "Sparky Speech"
A couple of Sundays ago I recited matt 28:19, Go ye therefore and teach all nations.
Then all of the Sparkies recited John 3:16 "For God so loved the world-"
One little boy pipes up.
"The whole world??? That's a lot of nations!"
We were also warned that week not to use the handrail because of possible boogers...
: )
Going over to pick my sisters up in a couple of minutes, then dropping them off at my Grandma's for a sleepover. Don't know what I'll do tonight, was gonna watch a movie with my mom, don't know if that's gonna happen though.
Alright, I'm outta here, got to go pick up my sisters.
Night all.