Friday, September 12, 2008

Counseling and Dicipleship Training

Ahhh, had a very good evening!
Went to the training tonight, and had a very good time, looking forward to tomorrow.
One of the speakers made a very good point, threw something into a different light for me.

"We have relatively short lives, 70+ years, then, forever."
Really makes you think about what's important.
What are you living for?

Work was good today.
Managed to overflow the coffee machine... hope that'll be the last time.

Drove on the highway for the first time with my nice liscence! Did not crash or hit anyone, and this was Friday at 3:00-4:00ish, so I'm pretty happy with that.

Okay, I need some sleep.

Think I might stick with the uncreative "What's Up?". Can't think of anything else.
I need to figure out how to make my name stay on the same line in my "About Me" spot to.
You have NO idea how much THAT is bugging me...

Good night!

1 comment:

Chelsy said...

Yeah CDT was good last night and today. They say some things thats just like WOW. I hope your job goes well I know I was nervous working at the fireworks stand cause I always thought I would mess up. I love how your all obsessive over the name thing at the top.. lol it reminds me of.. well me lol :D