Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hello everybody!
It's been a while : )

Not a whole lot going on.
I spent the last week catching up on home ec. Some of it went really really well...some of it did not...
I'm not getting a whole lot of hours at work, I'm told it will pick up at the end of February, but we'll see...

Well, we have a new President. It's interesting to go on Fox News "hot topics" blog and read the's just an amazing spirit of patriotism, and unity our country has...No, a lot of those people just rip at the others, it's not about the country, it's about the political party. And not necessarily everybody is like that, but most of the people who are posting are. It's very sad.

I'm half nervous, half not for our country...half not because I KNOW God knows exactly what He's doing, putting President Obama in control, but I'm not exactly excited to see where our country is going to go.
Who knows though, God could allow our country to continue to decline, or He could use President Obama to turn the country around.
We can't see what the next 5 minutes are going to be much less the next 4 years.

So, completely new subject...
I'm going to Peru!
I'm gonna go see Rachel, and do a short term mission trip type thing for my graduation...which implies that I need to graduate...

I'm gonna hang out with my Grandma next weekend, looking forward to that...I really don't have much else to say so...

Night All!

Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Quick Update

Okay, so I had a whole long thing written out, then I realized that I had it typed in Think on These Things, and blogger doesn't let you copy out of the posting box, so you get the quick version. :D

New Years Day I turned 17-I got sick and spent the day on the couch, but I got to watch BOB (band of brothers) with my dad so that was cool.
Grandma had to go home, very glad she was here!

Baby's doing good, love him lots!

Worked today, it was longer hours but the day went by pretty quick-I like everybody I work with-I got to go home early because we had so many people.

Church tomorrow, Yay! get to see everybody, (all of the sr. high went on a retreat)

Abbi take note! (If you're not Abbi feel free to ignore)-- "That post was the Comic book version!"

Alrighty! Night all!

...I told you it'd be quick!

Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19