What's new everybody?
Not much has happened since my last post...
I had my last day at work which was pretty good, it was really long though...
I overflowed the coffee machine which I though was somewhat appropriate because that was how I started working at QT. :)
Sunday was the start of the missions conference, Monday we took some pictures, Tuesday my sisters had to do school (mwa ha ha ha) Tomorrow I'm going to go see "Shorts" with Grandma and then we're going to hang out 'till church that night. Then I get to hang out with Melissa!
Thursday going out to Who Knows Where.
Friday Missions Conference,
Saturday hanging out around Main Street with some friends.
Sunday Last day of the missions conference.
It still hasn't really sunk in for me that I'm actually going to college, kinda the same un-realness that I had when I was going to Peru.
Well, I think that's all for tonight.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
"While the gold teeth were nice....I'd be a bit more choosy if I were you..."
Thursday, July 2, 2009 at 6:03pm
I wrote this on FB a little while ago, and most of you have probably heard this story already, but if not-here you go.
Okay, so I was at work on Tuesday and every once in a while, a non-QT employee, will come and SCRUB our bathrooms.
So I was talking to the guy that night, he was pretty nice. After we had talked for a while he looks at me and asks:
"Are you mixed race?"
". . . Excuse me?"
"Are you mixed race?"
". . . no."
"Really, you're white?"
"You're very pretty."
"Oh, why thank you!"
"Seriously though, you're very pretty."
Well, we talked a little bit later and then he looks at me and quietly asks:
"Would it be cool if I call you some time?"
Didn't know how to respond to that, so I pulled out my first line of defense-something that should shut down a few guys.
"What church do you go to?"
We were still talking quietly so he didn't hear me correctly.
"I go."
"St. Louis."
Okay, not what I meant, but okay.
Defense number 2--should shut almost any guy down.
"Guess how old I am."
He gave me a confused look.
"How old?"
~sad face~
Yes! Victory!
"When will you be 18?"
"Not 'till January."
He paused.
"How 'bout we're just friends 'till then? Would that be cool?"
NO!...Come on man Really? REALLY!?
I don't even know the guys name!
Oh, and by the way, the guy is probably in his 30's.
I don't remember what I said to that, but I pulled out my third and final defense-almost guaranteed to get rid of any guy.
"Look, if you can convince my dad-no problem-sure."
"OOoohh, that'll be tough!"
Well DUH!!! You're closer to HIS age than mine!
Then he said something about being black.
"No, no, that's not the problem. He doesn't care what color a guy is, so long as he believes in Jesus Christ and is living his life right-color doesn't matter."
"What's his number?"
I didn't want to give out my dad's cell number to some random guy who knew that I was a minor but was still interested.
I told him that I'd talk to him Friday--he said he was supposed to be back to QT then--so, I'll see how serious he is tomorrow.
After he left I told the two guys I was working with about what happened, and later one of them came into the cooler.
"Hey Hannah, I have some advice for you."
"What?" I figured I was doing something wrong.
He said:
"While the gold teeth were nice...and he's got a pretty good job...I'd be a bit more choosy if I were you."
I wrote this on FB a little while ago, and most of you have probably heard this story already, but if not-here you go.
Okay, so I was at work on Tuesday and every once in a while, a non-QT employee, will come and SCRUB our bathrooms.
So I was talking to the guy that night, he was pretty nice. After we had talked for a while he looks at me and asks:
"Are you mixed race?"
". . . Excuse me?"
"Are you mixed race?"
". . . no."
"Really, you're white?"
"You're very pretty."
"Oh, why thank you!"
"Seriously though, you're very pretty."
Well, we talked a little bit later and then he looks at me and quietly asks:
"Would it be cool if I call you some time?"
Didn't know how to respond to that, so I pulled out my first line of defense-something that should shut down a few guys.
"What church do you go to?"
We were still talking quietly so he didn't hear me correctly.
"I go."
"St. Louis."
Okay, not what I meant, but okay.
Defense number 2--should shut almost any guy down.
"Guess how old I am."
He gave me a confused look.
"How old?"
~sad face~
Yes! Victory!
"When will you be 18?"
"Not 'till January."
He paused.
"How 'bout we're just friends 'till then? Would that be cool?"
NO!...Come on man Really? REALLY!?
I don't even know the guys name!
Oh, and by the way, the guy is probably in his 30's.
I don't remember what I said to that, but I pulled out my third and final defense-almost guaranteed to get rid of any guy.
"Look, if you can convince my dad-no problem-sure."
"OOoohh, that'll be tough!"
Well DUH!!! You're closer to HIS age than mine!
Then he said something about being black.
"No, no, that's not the problem. He doesn't care what color a guy is, so long as he believes in Jesus Christ and is living his life right-color doesn't matter."
"What's his number?"
I didn't want to give out my dad's cell number to some random guy who knew that I was a minor but was still interested.
I told him that I'd talk to him Friday--he said he was supposed to be back to QT then--so, I'll see how serious he is tomorrow.
After he left I told the two guys I was working with about what happened, and later one of them came into the cooler.
"Hey Hannah, I have some advice for you."
"What?" I figured I was doing something wrong.
He said:
"While the gold teeth were nice...and he's got a pretty good job...I'd be a bit more choosy if I were you."
Last Day!
Okay, haven't updated in a loooong time...
How are you guys?
Well, lets see Fireworks stand went very very well, I still hate it, but this was probably the best year I've had of it.
Camp was Fantastic! Attitudes were awesome, and there were some kids who came with our church who accepted Christ as their Savior-ALWAYS Fantastic when that happens!
I got to know some friends better, which I am very happy about. :)
Camp started out kinda rough, everyone had their best friend, group, or boyfriend/girlfriend, so I was kinda left standing alone, or feeling in the way. But it got better.
Our speaker did a wonderful Job, I'll have to put up some notes.
Well, after I got home from camp on Friday, my Dad and I drove up to Wisconsin for our family reunion. That was a good time, got to see everybody! :D
Oh, and we made sparkler bombs-AWESOME!
Then me and Dad went and saw "UP"-very cute.
We [He] then drove home, and the next morning I got my wisdom teeth pulled.
A very good experience overall, nothing horrible happened, and the doctor and nurses were marvelous.
My face kinda hurt afterwords but that was to be expected....
I watched a LOT of TV and movies that week....
Well, I graduated to the college class and I love it! I'm really sad that I'm only going to be in there for a couple more weeks.
PCC is only about Two weeks away....
Today is my Last Day of work at QT until I come home from college! SO EXCITED!
I absolute love my job, but I'm ready to be done for a while :)
I'll have to tell you guys about Ronald on my next post...heeeheeeheeeheee....
Okay, I'm outta here for know, workin' 9 to 5 today.
See ya later!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
How are you guys?
Well, lets see Fireworks stand went very very well, I still hate it, but this was probably the best year I've had of it.
Camp was Fantastic! Attitudes were awesome, and there were some kids who came with our church who accepted Christ as their Savior-ALWAYS Fantastic when that happens!
I got to know some friends better, which I am very happy about. :)
Camp started out kinda rough, everyone had their best friend, group, or boyfriend/girlfriend, so I was kinda left standing alone, or feeling in the way. But it got better.
Our speaker did a wonderful Job, I'll have to put up some notes.
Well, after I got home from camp on Friday, my Dad and I drove up to Wisconsin for our family reunion. That was a good time, got to see everybody! :D
Oh, and we made sparkler bombs-AWESOME!
Then me and Dad went and saw "UP"-very cute.
We [He] then drove home, and the next morning I got my wisdom teeth pulled.
A very good experience overall, nothing horrible happened, and the doctor and nurses were marvelous.
My face kinda hurt afterwords but that was to be expected....
I watched a LOT of TV and movies that week....
Well, I graduated to the college class and I love it! I'm really sad that I'm only going to be in there for a couple more weeks.
PCC is only about Two weeks away....
Today is my Last Day of work at QT until I come home from college! SO EXCITED!
I absolute love my job, but I'm ready to be done for a while :)
I'll have to tell you guys about Ronald on my next post...heeeheeeheeeheee....
Okay, I'm outta here for know, workin' 9 to 5 today.
See ya later!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hey guys :)
Okay, time for me to update again. So first, I'll cover my flights home.
The flight from Lima to Miami was fine, kinda long. There was a lot of security, they checked your carry-on as you were boarding the flight.
We landed at Miami around 2 I think. We got off the flight and there were some police officers who looked like they were just hanging out in the hall.
Everyone just kinda picked a cop and got in line, they looked at your passport for a second, then looked at you-then gave you your passport and waved you through. :) Very casual.
So we all followed the signs that said "passport check" and we walked.
And walked.
And walked.
And walked.
And walked.
You're probably thinking that you have the idea by now but you don't.
We walked.
And walked.
And walked.
I was walking next to a girl-it's funny how you kinda group together with people when you're traveling--or maybe only I do that :)
But we kept walking then the hallway we were following led us to some bathrooms...she finally said "where are we even going?!" and the construction worker in the hall said "to the left of the bathroom"
So we walked to the left and through some glass doors.
We were there!...so i thought.
but no.
We kept walking-walked right out through the other end of the glass doors.
We finally reached customs and there was almost no-one there. I walked up to on man who said I needed a blue and white card and that I needed to go to the back of the room to fill one out, and if there was a line when I got back I could cut to the front.
I filled out my card, and went to a different line because there were like 4 people without any lines at all.
So I got through that and went through a door and down an escalator to a baggage claim area---I didn't realize beforehand that I would have to re-check my baggage-I hadn't had to on the way to Lima.
So I waited for my bag, and waited, and waited--I looked at the clock 2:20
My flight boarded at 3:05.
My bag FINALLY comes through and I follow the crowd out the door.
I walk past some people and hear them talking-all of the sudden I hear "Ma'am!" so I turn and she checked my bag-I think they spoke to me in Spanish first, which is why I didn't turn around.
She told me to "follow the yellow dots" so I did, and walked and walked and walked-although that walk was not nearly as far as the walk to customs :)
So the yellow dots came to an end, and they took my bag from me and told me to follow the blue dots, which I did. I then ended up going up some stairs and in a large room--It looked like you could check bags and buy tickets in the area.
I have no idea how to get to my gate.
I don't even know what gate I'm supposed to get to-it wasn't on my boarding pass.
I stood there staring at my boarding pass when a man with an American Airlines ID badge walked up to me and said something in Spanish. I smiled and looked at him blankly.
He then said
"You lost already?"
I don't remember the details of the conversation, but he pointed me to a lady in a red jacket to get my gate number.
He asked me when my flight was.
"You've gotta get a move-on girl!"
I got my gate number and then he instantly took off.
"Follow me."
We walked quickly around, he had just gotten back from Ecuador, and liked to casually swear in the middle of his sentances. He had an accent of some kind but I have no idea as to what kind it was.
At some point I clarified that I was not a Peruvian :)
We walked through some glass doors very similar to ones that I had walked through before, if they were not the same ones-But the interesting part was that the mat on the floor said "Do Not Enter"
He told me to have my passport out.
He showed his ID badge to a lady, and she glanced at my passport, didn't take it from me or open it, and waved us through.
"Short-cut" was all he said.
He led me to security and told the lady at the beginning of the line that I needed to get to my flight and asked if I could go to the front of the line or something.
She sent me through Priority Access.
I got through security okay and didn't pause to put my belt or coat back on. I finally got into the terminal area with signs to the gates.
THIS I knew how to navigate through!
I stopped to quickly tie my shoes and then started for my gate.
Of course it was at the opposite end of where I was. :)
I didn't run, but I came close to it.
I finally got to my gate and asked a guy what time it was.
"10 'till 3"
The plane didn't end up boarding until 3:15, so I had had plenty of time anyway.
Then I flew to St. Louis. and I knew that part of the airport.
I flew over church and that was cool, and from seeing church and then seeing where I worked, I could sort of figure out where my house was. :)
I had a great time in Peru :)
So, I work tomorrow at the Fireworks Stand and at QT, then I head over the G-ma's house, gonna spend the night and then hang out Friday.
Saturday I work Fireworks stand and QT,
Tuesday QT,
Wed, Fireworks,
Fri and Sat- Fireworks and QT.
Then Sunday is camp already.
Then Tuesday I get my wisdom teeth pulled. BUSY!
But it should settle down some after that...I hope it does anyway, that is a LOT.
Then I have to be in Pensacola Sept 5!
Alrighty, I think I have updated enough for tonight.
I need to go clean my room.
Night all!
Oh yeah,
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Okay, time for me to update again. So first, I'll cover my flights home.
The flight from Lima to Miami was fine, kinda long. There was a lot of security, they checked your carry-on as you were boarding the flight.
We landed at Miami around 2 I think. We got off the flight and there were some police officers who looked like they were just hanging out in the hall.
Everyone just kinda picked a cop and got in line, they looked at your passport for a second, then looked at you-then gave you your passport and waved you through. :) Very casual.
So we all followed the signs that said "passport check" and we walked.
And walked.
And walked.
And walked.
And walked.
You're probably thinking that you have the idea by now but you don't.
We walked.
And walked.
And walked.
I was walking next to a girl-it's funny how you kinda group together with people when you're traveling--or maybe only I do that :)
But we kept walking then the hallway we were following led us to some bathrooms...she finally said "where are we even going?!" and the construction worker in the hall said "to the left of the bathroom"
So we walked to the left and through some glass doors.
We were there!...so i thought.
but no.
We kept walking-walked right out through the other end of the glass doors.
We finally reached customs and there was almost no-one there. I walked up to on man who said I needed a blue and white card and that I needed to go to the back of the room to fill one out, and if there was a line when I got back I could cut to the front.
I filled out my card, and went to a different line because there were like 4 people without any lines at all.
So I got through that and went through a door and down an escalator to a baggage claim area---I didn't realize beforehand that I would have to re-check my baggage-I hadn't had to on the way to Lima.
So I waited for my bag, and waited, and waited--I looked at the clock 2:20
My flight boarded at 3:05.
My bag FINALLY comes through and I follow the crowd out the door.
I walk past some people and hear them talking-all of the sudden I hear "Ma'am!" so I turn and she checked my bag-I think they spoke to me in Spanish first, which is why I didn't turn around.
She told me to "follow the yellow dots" so I did, and walked and walked and walked-although that walk was not nearly as far as the walk to customs :)
So the yellow dots came to an end, and they took my bag from me and told me to follow the blue dots, which I did. I then ended up going up some stairs and in a large room--It looked like you could check bags and buy tickets in the area.
I have no idea how to get to my gate.
I don't even know what gate I'm supposed to get to-it wasn't on my boarding pass.
I stood there staring at my boarding pass when a man with an American Airlines ID badge walked up to me and said something in Spanish. I smiled and looked at him blankly.
He then said
"You lost already?"
I don't remember the details of the conversation, but he pointed me to a lady in a red jacket to get my gate number.
He asked me when my flight was.
"You've gotta get a move-on girl!"
I got my gate number and then he instantly took off.
"Follow me."
We walked quickly around, he had just gotten back from Ecuador, and liked to casually swear in the middle of his sentances. He had an accent of some kind but I have no idea as to what kind it was.
At some point I clarified that I was not a Peruvian :)
We walked through some glass doors very similar to ones that I had walked through before, if they were not the same ones-But the interesting part was that the mat on the floor said "Do Not Enter"
He told me to have my passport out.
He showed his ID badge to a lady, and she glanced at my passport, didn't take it from me or open it, and waved us through.
"Short-cut" was all he said.
He led me to security and told the lady at the beginning of the line that I needed to get to my flight and asked if I could go to the front of the line or something.
She sent me through Priority Access.
I got through security okay and didn't pause to put my belt or coat back on. I finally got into the terminal area with signs to the gates.
THIS I knew how to navigate through!
I stopped to quickly tie my shoes and then started for my gate.
Of course it was at the opposite end of where I was. :)
I didn't run, but I came close to it.
I finally got to my gate and asked a guy what time it was.
"10 'till 3"
The plane didn't end up boarding until 3:15, so I had had plenty of time anyway.
Then I flew to St. Louis. and I knew that part of the airport.
I flew over church and that was cool, and from seeing church and then seeing where I worked, I could sort of figure out where my house was. :)
I had a great time in Peru :)
So, I work tomorrow at the Fireworks Stand and at QT, then I head over the G-ma's house, gonna spend the night and then hang out Friday.
Saturday I work Fireworks stand and QT,
Tuesday QT,
Wed, Fireworks,
Fri and Sat- Fireworks and QT.
Then Sunday is camp already.
Then Tuesday I get my wisdom teeth pulled. BUSY!
But it should settle down some after that...I hope it does anyway, that is a LOT.
Then I have to be in Pensacola Sept 5!
Alrighty, I think I have updated enough for tonight.
I need to go clean my room.
Night all!
Oh yeah,
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Pics from Peru!

That is Rachel's school, the building next door is being rented by the military, if you look very closely at the upstairs opening in the picture, you can see two soldiers.

That is me with Fabricio, Carolina, and Hemana. Carolina was four and I got to hang out with her a lot.

The place we at lunch had some traditional dancing.

Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
June 15-16 Recap
Okay, not much to report.
Yesterday was school, I got to help out some, I graded some papers for the 1st and 2nd grade teachers.
Ironically enough, the papers I was grading for first grade were, writing pages-as in- I was grading how well the first graders did their cursive writing. :D
Then I did some pages for the second grade teacher.
Last night was the ladies Bible study, that ended up lasting till 11, and I fell asleep upstairs around 10. :)
Today was school, I gave a couple of tests to two first graders, then I just sort of wandered, took some pictures, then hung out in Rachel´s music class cuz no one needed anyhelp.
stupid swine flu. I could´ve been at the school for two weeks. Oh, well, God´s in control, so, I
don´t really mind that much. He knows what He´s doing better than I do :)
Went to the mall today, picked up some last minute things, and I got some Ice cream. :)
Just so you all know
Peruvians eat a LOT. Large portions.
Well, it probably isn´t as much as it seems, but it´s at lunch, and the rice is really, really filling.
Small breakfast, and a snack in the evening, but it´s they make up for the absense of food at dinnertime and breakfast at lunch.
Rachel and Ceci will probably make fun of me for that...
Well, I am all packed, just waiting, I fly out at 7.05 and get to STL at 5.15.
Long day.
But I´m happy I only have to flights.
Okay, Talk to you all later, Can´t believe my two weeks are up already.
Thanks for following :) I´ll do one more Peru update when I get home.
Thanks for the prayers.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
June 14 Recap
Hey guys ! :)
Okay, first off, last night after I had already posted, we went over to Ceci´s parent´s house. Everyone (with the exeption of one person) who had been out that afternoon, plus Ceci´s parents were there.
We had yucca which had been boiled, then smashed like potatoes and then filled with cheese and fried. I can´t remember what it was called. We also had some fresh Guabana juice (some of the best juice I have ever had!) I also got to try just the fruit, it was so good!
I also tried some coffee, and my taste for that has not changed, it´s still nasty stuff :)
The yucca tasted like potato to me, it was okay.
I loved the juice!
After we had eaten, Ceci, Carolina and I started playing a game that we had played earlier in the afternoon.
You go in a circle naming animals, colors, countries, whatever you want really. Eventually Juan and Isabel joined in and then Rachel and Ceci´s dad. Caro ended up leaving halfway through. :)
It was a fun night.
Today was awesome to.
Went to Lacomar, a mall facing the ocean, it was pretty cool. Had a chicken sandwich and fries, a fried banana and Inca light (light is the word for diet).
The fried banana was fantastic. mmmmm :)
Then we went over to the market and bought souveniers. That was a lot of fun too :)
We headed over to the fountain park after that, it´s so cool! The water was in time with the music, and the colors were awesome! It was a lot of fun.
We headed over to the fountain park after that, it´s so cool! The water was in time with the music, and the colors were awesome! It was a lot of fun.
Alrighty, that´s all I´ve got for now, Rachel is at Ceci´s so I´m just hanging out.
Talk to ya later!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
June 13 Recap
Note: Rachel and Ceci will have to check my spelling on some of these. :)
Today was FANTASTIC!
We went out to a farm with Ceci´s family, and we got to see a whole bunch of different plants, we got to see some harvested, it was very cool.
Saw banana trees, Yucca, Lucuma, Strawberries, Watermelon, Avacado, and...guanabana?
The man who owned the farm, not sure on his name, spoke some english, and had studied at John-Hopkins. He and his wife were very,very sweet. He even gave me a Lucuma! I do have pictures, I probably took over 200 pictures today, but you´re going to have to wait until I get back to my computer to see them. :)
Then we drove out to a place I´m not sure how to describe. It was outdoors, you could buy food, there was music, there were soccer fields, and playgrounds. Not sure what it would be called, I´ll have to ask Rachel.
We ate lunch there, I had Cuy, and I tried some pork, and some Conejo.
Which is Guinea Pig and Rabbit.
The Rabbit was really,really good, The Cuy was really, really, moist, it had a very different flavor, didn´t care for it a whole lot.
Unfortunately we lost the car key, and so we had to tow Rachel´s poor little car back to her house. So, a series of complicated steps later, she found her key, which is a good thing, but then she had to get rid of the guys who came to make her another key. :)
Got to spend a little time with Carolina and Hemana today, they´re both so cute!
Going to go to the fountains pretty soon!
Night all!
Friday, June 12, 2009
June 12 Recap
Went up into the mountains today! Absolutely beautiful!
The car ride was fun, It was me, Rachel, and Juline, who got here yesterday.
Went up to Ticlio, which has the highest rail way crossing in the world.
Then went back down to San Mateo, which is now one of my favorite places. It was a smaller town, it had a very neat Plaza, and one of the houses was crazy colorful. We were walking through the town, and we heard a band, so we went to see, and it was the day to celebrate their patron saint.
My camera died on the way up, so, had to use Rachel´s camera...then it died too. So, I do have Some pictures. :)
Have to say, I have not been nervous with the driving in Lima, but on the mountain road, I closed my eyes a couple of times.
Then came home, got some movies, and Rachel and Ceci and I watched 8 Below.
It was a fun day!
Can´t believe that It´s already Friday.
Still not quite ready to go home.
Night all!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
June 11 recap
Hey guys!
Got up a little eariler today, talked with my sister, let the maid in, then went to school with Rachel.
I must say, crossing traffic is a little scary. I don´t like traffic in the states, so here...whoo! Crazy!
Went to Isa´s (Ceci´s sister) house for lunch, it was fantastic!
Got to talk to her a little bit, but Rachel had to translate for us.
Then went outside and played with Carolina and Mei Shing. That was way fun, love Caro!
Going to try to make it to Ticlio tomorrow, Rachel´s got her car back, and it seems like it will be able to handle the road!
Not much else going on. Just hanging out with Rachel tonight.
Have a good week guys!
Went to the grocery store and got stuff for lunch tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
June 10 Recap
Okay, Quarantine ended today! YAY!
Went to Rachel´s school and hung out in her classes. The school itself is a pretty cool building, with the hallways outside. It´s a neat area.
The third graders were so cute!
The fifth graders were a piece of work! :)
I don´t know if i could be a teacher or not.
After school, we went to the doctor with Ceci.
Then came home and had ice cream and cake, and hung out for a while.
Tomorrow is school, and I don´t know what else we´re doing this week. I´ll just have to wait and see.
Thanks for your prayers, and please keep praying!
Night all!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
June 9 Recap
Hey everybody, what´s up?
Nothing much happened yesterday, stayed at home and read mostly.
Then Rachel had her Bible study, at which I also read, since I don´t speak spanish. So, I´ve made it through two books in about 3 days.
Today was kinda the same thing. I read, and watched and episode of Robin Hood online, then Rachel came home and she slept, and I read, and halfway watched another episode of Robin Hood.
Then we went to Ceci´s house, then to Jockey Plaza-a mall-and got cinamon rolls, yum, and leftovers for breakfast.
We nearly got into a fight with a taxi driver, but I wasn´t nervous, Ceci seemed to know what she was doing, even though I couldn´t understand everything that was said.
I did pick up that he was unhappy.
Wasn´t nervous though, I don´t know, I was just observing everything that happened and keeping my eye on the guy in the street, in case he decided he was on the taxi driver´s side.
Got to spend a couple of hours at Ceci´s house just listening to her and Rachel talk.
It was a Lot of fun!
my ´quarantine´ends tomorrow, and I can go to school.
Carolina, Ceci´s niece, has decided she likes me, and she picked me to sit next to her in the van :)
Alrighty, nothing else to say.
Night all!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
June 7 Recap
Church was today!
Went to church at 10 o´clock, it was cool, I LOVE hearing people pray in other languages, gives a glimpse of God´s supremacy, His awesomeness.
Could pick out a word here and there in the sermon, but...pretty much just looked at the outline and read those passages.
There were 14 baptisms!
After church we had a BBQ, that was a lot of fun and it was in Enlgish! :)
Tomorrow, don´t really know what´s going on, Rachel will be at school for some of the day,
don´t know when she gets back, she has a Bible study that night.
I´m done with my ´quarantine´on Wed. so I´ll be able to go to school with her then.
Think that´s about it so far, leaving Thurs. to head up into the Mts. so.
Thanks for your prayers!
Night All!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
June 6 Recap
Hello all!
Went to downtown Lima again today, went to ¨the nuns¨and ate lunch, it was very good. Then saw the Inquisition Museum and the Catacombs.
The lady giving the Catacombs tour was adorable, she ended about every other sentance with ¨Yes?¨way cute, her English was pretty good too. She seemed eccstatic to be giving tours.
Came home, then ran up to see Daniela, she seems to be doing pretty good, and seemed to enjoy ¨the Magicians Nephew¨I forgot how much I like the Chronicles of Narnia.
Came back home then walked to the grocery store to pick up a couple of things for a bbq tomorrow.
Then hung out with Rachel, watched TV, ate some oatmeal and a chocolate crossiant. yum.
I feel like I´ve been here forever-not a bad thing :)
Church tomorrow, then the BBQ-birthday party.
Alrighty, I am off, gotta clean up a bit, then going to bed.
Night all!
Friday, June 5, 2009
June 5 Recap
What did I do today???
I rode the busses with Rachel and we went and had lunch. Chicken and Fries, it was very good, I tried a couple of the sauces*Rachel and Cece will have to remind me what everthing-every place is called.
Went to see downtown Lima, very cool! Saw the Plazas and just walked around. Very pretty.
Tried a doughnutish food, can´t remember the name, have to tell you all later. It was pretty good. Then went to the mall and got Ice cream, Cece got her picture taken with a soccer player :) And I got to meet more of her family and See her sister and her neices again.
Tomorrow gonna see more of Downtown, and get to see Danella.
LOVING Peru, LOVING all of the people! Even the Lady I met in the airport was awesome!
Alrighty, that´s really all I´ve got for now.
Gonna try to put up some pics.
Night all!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
June 4 Recap
Today went by fast.
Went to the grocery store and bought some stuff, We (Me, Rachel, and Cece) made taco salad for lunch Yum!
Then Rachel and I went to visit Danella in the hospital, she was going in for surgery (she´s doing well) Rachel talked with her mom for a while, and her aunt tried her best to talk to me, so we exchanged names, and ages.
I really need to learn more Spanish than Gracias... Cece´s neice was helping me some tonight.
Carolina, absolutely adorable!
We babysat her and her little sister for a little while.
Then we came back to Rachel´s place and I tried some kind of fruit, it was okay, very unusual, i´ll try to get some pictures up tomorrow.
Night All!
June 3 Recap
Everything went very well!
Got through Security and everything in St. Louis pretty quickly, and then walked to my gate.
Have to say, walking through the airport by myself was pretty cool...
Got to the gate and a plane to Charolette was there, was confused for a little bit, but I was just there really early.
When the Plane was getting ready to board for Raleigh, the people at the gate were asking over the speaker for a minor, then asked for a Passenger Smith, so I got up and headed over. The lady looked confused and asked if I was travelling with papers.
was my intelligent reply.
What´s your last name?
Your first name?
Okay, never mind.
Turns out they were looking for a 9 and half year old Kaylee Smith, going to see her dad.
Hated the flight there, small plane, I wasn´t feeling good on that flight. Closed my eyes and half dozed through it.
Landed at Raleigh Durham and took about 20 steps to get to the next gate I needed.
That was a cool little ariport.
The flight to MIA was much better. Sat in MIA for a couple of hours, but it wasn´t too bad, it wasn´t that difficult to find my gate either, even though I had to take the train out.
Walked with and elderly catholic lady going to Lima to visit some ´sisters´ that were down there.
It was fun to just watch people.
Sitting next to me were a family of four, going to Machu Pichu and Cuzco, Across from me was a German family (i spent probably 7 minutes trying to figure out what their passport said) The dad was listening to Michael W. Smith on his Ipod.
Sitting right next to me was Isabelle, from Peru. She has four sisters, one lives in FL and one in TX, she had been in FL for two weeks for her Nephew´s wedding. We held a relativley decent conversation with regards to the fact that I speak no Spanish at all. Her English was very broken but she was able to get her questions across. Love her. She told me when I come back to Lima, I need to go in the Summer. She was also the first person (not counting the flight attendant over the speaker) to welcome me to Peru when we had landed.
On the flight to Lima, I sat next to a man who was originally from Zambia, and now lives in Jamaca. He is an Irrigation engineer, and also a New Age Spiritualist.
He was very friendly and very helpful, helped me navigate through immigration and baggage claim.
Immigration actually didn´t take very long, the line moved pretty well, baggage claim took longer, or at least it seemed to, because I couldn´t find my bag.
Got through baggage check pretty quick and then walked through one set of doors, then another into a huge room with a massive amount of people, I walked slowly looking and listening for Rachel and there she was! I made it to Peru!
Started my day around 6.15, fell asleep around 1.30. It was fun though.
Now I´m sitting in Rachel´s house, updating. She´s at school and will be back shortly.
I´ve got Mythbusters in Spanish on in the background, for some noise, and I need to go find a spot for everything I brought.
By the way Melissa Ham, you are considered a hero for getting all of my stuff and Rachel´s stuff into that suitcase! Thanks so much for your help!
Alrighty, that´s all I´ve got for now.
Talk to ya all later!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Less than a week!
Hey guys what's up!
I'm finished with school today! *yay* Finished reading my book report book-Let the Nations be Glad! The Supremacy of God in Missions~John Piper.
Going to Peru on Wednesday! So close! Very excited!
Tonight, going to a friends graduation party, and also gonna hang out with the college class for a while, tomorrow I get to work, Sunday is Promotion Sunday [leaving the Coolbaughs :( But getting to go to the Krawczyks! :D] Then that night is the Sr. Service and afterglow.
Monday-going to a Cardinals game with Jr. and Sr. High classes, then Tuesday-Packing, then Wednesday-FLYING!
Won't be able to help at Rachel's school~Swine Flu restrictions from the U.S. but I am still SO excited!
Leaving Sr. High... wow, I can remember going into the class and asking everyone what year they were, anyone who said 'senior' was grown-up to me :)
God grew me in that class. Really thankful that He sent the Coolbaughs to us.
Got myself interested in photography~ it's a LOT of fun!
Here are some of my favorite pics.

Alrighty, I am off for the night!
Please pray that I get to Peru safe, and that I will be willing to learn whatever God has to teach me!
Night All!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
I'm finished with school today! *yay* Finished reading my book report book-Let the Nations be Glad! The Supremacy of God in Missions~John Piper.
Going to Peru on Wednesday! So close! Very excited!
Tonight, going to a friends graduation party, and also gonna hang out with the college class for a while, tomorrow I get to work, Sunday is Promotion Sunday [leaving the Coolbaughs :( But getting to go to the Krawczyks! :D] Then that night is the Sr. Service and afterglow.
Monday-going to a Cardinals game with Jr. and Sr. High classes, then Tuesday-Packing, then Wednesday-FLYING!
Won't be able to help at Rachel's school~Swine Flu restrictions from the U.S. but I am still SO excited!
Leaving Sr. High... wow, I can remember going into the class and asking everyone what year they were, anyone who said 'senior' was grown-up to me :)
God grew me in that class. Really thankful that He sent the Coolbaughs to us.
Got myself interested in photography~ it's a LOT of fun!
Here are some of my favorite pics.

Alrighty, I am off for the night!
Please pray that I get to Peru safe, and that I will be willing to learn whatever God has to teach me!
Night All!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Babysitting with a slight chance of Schoolwork.
Okay guys what's up?
I finished all of my videos! *yay*
Still have some work to do, a couple of tests, a paper and some quizzes, but in comparison to other years, not bad :)
Probably finish completely sometime next week.
Babysitting right now...really BABY-sitting, they're little and way cute! :)
But we got 3 babies in the house right now, so probably not a whole lot of schoolwork is gonna get done :)
I work tomorrow and saturday, I'm gonna miss the car-wash :( But I'm off next Saturday for the first time in a while so that will be nice to really have a weekend. Just looked :) I've been working almost every saturday since December. Didn't realize it had been for that long :) can i use any more smilies?? 8)
Getting excited about PCC, really looking forward to that :)
if you wanna look at the school you can look at their website here. maybe...
Peru is coming up!
Got to talk to Rachel the other day. really starting to get excited.
19 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes, 38 seconds.
Alrighty, I'm outta here for now.
Talk to ya all later!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
I finished all of my videos! *yay*
Still have some work to do, a couple of tests, a paper and some quizzes, but in comparison to other years, not bad :)
Probably finish completely sometime next week.
Babysitting right now...really BABY-sitting, they're little and way cute! :)
But we got 3 babies in the house right now, so probably not a whole lot of schoolwork is gonna get done :)
I work tomorrow and saturday, I'm gonna miss the car-wash :( But I'm off next Saturday for the first time in a while so that will be nice to really have a weekend. Just looked :) I've been working almost every saturday since December. Didn't realize it had been for that long :) can i use any more smilies?? 8)
Getting excited about PCC, really looking forward to that :)
if you wanna look at the school you can look at their website here. maybe...
Peru is coming up!
Got to talk to Rachel the other day. really starting to get excited.
19 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes, 38 seconds.
Alrighty, I'm outta here for now.
Talk to ya all later!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Don't know what's happened.
Hey Guys!
Don't really know what's happened that's too exciting lately...
(And on a side note-all of you Facebookers who can see this, it's from my blog, my dad somehow put it to where it automatically posts a note to facebook whenever I update)
Got my ACT results, I got a 26 and am eligible for the scholarship at PCC :)
Umm...Going to Camp.
Umm..... Work's going good, starting to get the hang of things. someone stole $200 worth of Lottery tickets last night (I wasn't working).
Enjoying work.
School is almost over! I am SO ready. I will be completly done with everything by May 26th at the latest. It's kinda funny, I'm ready to be done with school, because I want to go do more school :]
In case I haven't said anything about it-Scheduled to go to PCC this fall, with a major in missions and a minor in Graphic Design. Totally excited.
Got to work an extra hour today, that was nice.
Stayed up 'till midnight last night with my sisters watching Robin Hood, I finally found it online. *happy* Had a good time hanging out with them and watching the show. Many funny things were said... for example:
Me: This is SOOOO corny...I LOVE IT!
Esther: Oh, we're all about the corn.
okay, so maybe you had to be there...but I promise it was hilarious.
Okay, I'm outta here.
Maybe I'll make more sense in the morning.
Night all!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Don't really know what's happened that's too exciting lately...
(And on a side note-all of you Facebookers who can see this, it's from my blog, my dad somehow put it to where it automatically posts a note to facebook whenever I update)
Got my ACT results, I got a 26 and am eligible for the scholarship at PCC :)
Umm...Going to Camp.
Umm..... Work's going good, starting to get the hang of things. someone stole $200 worth of Lottery tickets last night (I wasn't working).
Enjoying work.
School is almost over! I am SO ready. I will be completly done with everything by May 26th at the latest. It's kinda funny, I'm ready to be done with school, because I want to go do more school :]
In case I haven't said anything about it-Scheduled to go to PCC this fall, with a major in missions and a minor in Graphic Design. Totally excited.
Got to work an extra hour today, that was nice.
Stayed up 'till midnight last night with my sisters watching Robin Hood, I finally found it online. *happy* Had a good time hanging out with them and watching the show. Many funny things were said... for example:
Me: This is SOOOO corny...I LOVE IT!
Esther: Oh, we're all about the corn.
okay, so maybe you had to be there...but I promise it was hilarious.
Okay, I'm outta here.
Maybe I'll make more sense in the morning.
Night all!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Friday, April 10, 2009
Please Pray
Hey guys!
Typing from WI, so just really quick. :]
Please pray that I would have courage to witness.
That I would be patient in my responses.
That I would be patient with my family.
That I would be wise in my responses.
That I would be dilligent.
That I would please God in all that I do.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Typing from WI, so just really quick. :]
Please pray that I would have courage to witness.
That I would be patient in my responses.
That I would be patient with my family.
That I would be wise in my responses.
That I would be dilligent.
That I would please God in all that I do.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Thursday, April 9, 2009
54 Days 'Till Peru...1/2 a Night 'Till WI
In answer to Emma's question on the last post...No, they were not being mean when they "yelled" at me. :] thank you for asking.
Okay, so what's new....
Leaving for WI tomorrow morning bright and early...without the bright part. I like the car trip...don't think I would if I had to drive it, but just hanging out in the car; reading, writing, watching a movie, I like it. :D (Plus I get shotgun!)
Ready for school to be over...I was fine until the beginning of the fourth quarter, then I sent in my college application and now I'm very ready to be done!
Funny, I want to finish school...so that I can go do more school...hmmm...:]
Sent in all of my paperwork to Pensacola Christian College, and got a letter twoish days ago (i'll be made fun of for that one) anyway got a letter telling me I was accepted! Totally, excited! (Like, I know right? Whatever!-- Sorry, inside joke...okay, not sorry or I wouldn't have posted it :P)
I think I'm writing kinda haphazardly here... just ready to GO!
Planning on majoring in Missions with a broad field in Graphic Design. Fall semester 2009!
I believe that God works in every area in our lives, that everything that happens happens for a reason. God is soverign.
So noticing some things that are happening in mine, I think He's trying to get me to grow towards Him, a better relationship.
I don't know if that's why or not, but, I figure It would be very difficult for me to go wrong if I'm trying to grow in my relationship with Him. :]
Gonna miss my church...
AWANA's is almost over for the year and I am ready.
I love the kids but I miss going to service on Sunday nights.
Some random stuff since my last post:
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Okay, so what's new....
Leaving for WI tomorrow morning bright and early...without the bright part. I like the car trip...don't think I would if I had to drive it, but just hanging out in the car; reading, writing, watching a movie, I like it. :D (Plus I get shotgun!)
Ready for school to be over...I was fine until the beginning of the fourth quarter, then I sent in my college application and now I'm very ready to be done!
Funny, I want to finish school...so that I can go do more school...hmmm...:]
Sent in all of my paperwork to Pensacola Christian College, and got a letter twoish days ago (i'll be made fun of for that one) anyway got a letter telling me I was accepted! Totally, excited! (Like, I know right? Whatever!-- Sorry, inside joke...okay, not sorry or I wouldn't have posted it :P)
I think I'm writing kinda haphazardly here... just ready to GO!
Planning on majoring in Missions with a broad field in Graphic Design. Fall semester 2009!
I believe that God works in every area in our lives, that everything that happens happens for a reason. God is soverign.
So noticing some things that are happening in mine, I think He's trying to get me to grow towards Him, a better relationship.
I don't know if that's why or not, but, I figure It would be very difficult for me to go wrong if I'm trying to grow in my relationship with Him. :]
Gonna miss my church...
AWANA's is almost over for the year and I am ready.
I love the kids but I miss going to service on Sunday nights.
Some random stuff since my last post:
- If evolution is partly survival of the fittest, why are humans (the fittest) trying to save the rainforest and endangered species??? Isn't that a bit contradictory?
- Nothing nearly as serious...since I've started watching this TV show "Lie to Me" I find myself watching face expressions in movies, trying to find tells and manipulators and the such like. :]
- I'm stealing Chelsy's awesome emoticon thingy. :]
- In my next post, I will post my short story about my first bus ride home from sagmount.
- MY SHEET MUSIC IS FINALLY IN!....ooohh...I should probably cancel my order at A&M music now...
- I'm much more comfortable at QT now, getting into the swing of things.
- I managed to fool at least 6 people into thinking I got fired on April Fools day. AGAIN I DID NOT GET FIRED, I AM HAPPILY EMPLOYED AT QT!...lets you see the effects and confusion of lying...
- April fools day was way fun :D May I quote S. --" IT'S A JOKE! APRIL FOOLS! APRIL FOOLS! DON'T HURT HIM!" ahhh.... that will make me laugh for a long time. :] (not my joke by the way, I got to observe someone else's.
Alrighty, I think I am done for tonight.
Have a great week guys!
Night All!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Saturday, March 21, 2009
73 days 'till Peru

People are starting to yell at me again so here I am.
I met with some people from PCC (Pensacola Chritsian College) and sent in my application. Waiting to be accepted...really want to go.
I entered a photo contest and got 2nd place! (see above photo)
I've been working, and am starting to get the hang of my job. I also realized how much I love my job when I went into Wendy's the other day...I was VERY unimpressed with the staff.
QT people rock. (just so you know)
umm.... that's all i'll say for know.
night all.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Friday, March 6, 2009
88 Days
Hi guys!
Still not a whole lot to say over here.
Work's going fine, nothing major happening, one of my managers said that I was doing really well, and I think I'm starting to get in the swing of things. I'm starting to like work a whole lot more. Hours are picking up too.
School...heehee don't want to talk about, I will talk about it when this quarter is over.
I will say, I read the first 5 chapters of Pride and Prejudice for Lit class and LOVED it. Jane Austen is hilarious.
88 Days 'till Peru.
Starting to read Let the Nations Be Glad, by John Piper, not even through with the first chapter and I really like it.
Just finished reading the "O'Malley" series by Dee Henderson, 5 books in all. It was nice, it's been a while since I've had a good book to read. I like reading it's just hard to find good books...you all already know my opinion of Twilight... :)
Trying to grow, trying to love God more than I love me, and in doing that loving my family more than I love me. In respect for what my parents ask, in the way I treat my sisters, I'm trying. Sometimes it gets kinda hard not to get discouraged because I see it when I mess up most of the time...It happens a lot.
Just so you guys know, Melissa Ham is absolutely fantastic.
Going to Sr. High Camp this year "YAY" Way excited, I plan on playing a piano solo, gotta find a song. Plan on playing a duet with Amber...gotta find a song... And plan on playing accompaniment for Amber....Have a song, waiting for the music to arrive.... :)
Have to work tomorrow...
okay, yeah...i'm out of stuff to say.
Love you guys...well most of you...just kidding!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Hi guys!
Still not a whole lot to say over here.
Work's going fine, nothing major happening, one of my managers said that I was doing really well, and I think I'm starting to get in the swing of things. I'm starting to like work a whole lot more. Hours are picking up too.
School...heehee don't want to talk about, I will talk about it when this quarter is over.
I will say, I read the first 5 chapters of Pride and Prejudice for Lit class and LOVED it. Jane Austen is hilarious.
88 Days 'till Peru.
Starting to read Let the Nations Be Glad, by John Piper, not even through with the first chapter and I really like it.
Just finished reading the "O'Malley" series by Dee Henderson, 5 books in all. It was nice, it's been a while since I've had a good book to read. I like reading it's just hard to find good books...you all already know my opinion of Twilight... :)
Trying to grow, trying to love God more than I love me, and in doing that loving my family more than I love me. In respect for what my parents ask, in the way I treat my sisters, I'm trying. Sometimes it gets kinda hard not to get discouraged because I see it when I mess up most of the time...It happens a lot.
Just so you guys know, Melissa Ham is absolutely fantastic.
Going to Sr. High Camp this year "YAY" Way excited, I plan on playing a piano solo, gotta find a song. Plan on playing a duet with Amber...gotta find a song... And plan on playing accompaniment for Amber....Have a song, waiting for the music to arrive.... :)
Have to work tomorrow...
okay, yeah...i'm out of stuff to say.
Love you guys...well most of you...just kidding!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Come on!
Good Grief!
Do You People Not Have Lives of Your Own???
Okay, so I don't actually have a whole lot to say... ummm...
I'm Going to camp this summer. Yay! Will be playing a piano solo, and duet, and might be playing accompaniment, but don't know about that yet.
Got to hang out at church all day today for camp practice, love my church, don't think I can say that enough.
ummm....Work is going...well I guess. Nothing crazy, it gets hectic sometimes. Saturday I worked for four hours, it was really busy, because, we had "Disney Playhouse Live" at the family arena (apx 10 min away), a Cheerleading competition at the convention center (apx. 3 min away) and a big Mardi Gras thing on main street (no idea where).
I got my hair cut again, it's kinda the same style, just shorter, GOT to remember not to do that again...
Finally found some good books to read, it's been probably two years, give or take, since I've found really good fiction books.
Growing a lot lately, reading my Bible a lot more consistently, praying, and I've noticed my pride in certain areas, (some areas just realizing it's there, others seeing growth)
Had kind of a dry spell for a little while, and I was just struggling, that seems to be passing though.
Getting to know the people I work with better, so I hope to be a wittness to them.
Had AWANA tonight, love Sparks :D waaaay too cute!
Don't really know what else to say...ummm...
yeah, okay, I'm off for the night.
talk to all of ya later!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Do You People Not Have Lives of Your Own???
Okay, so I don't actually have a whole lot to say... ummm...
I'm Going to camp this summer. Yay! Will be playing a piano solo, and duet, and might be playing accompaniment, but don't know about that yet.
Got to hang out at church all day today for camp practice, love my church, don't think I can say that enough.
ummm....Work is going...well I guess. Nothing crazy, it gets hectic sometimes. Saturday I worked for four hours, it was really busy, because, we had "Disney Playhouse Live" at the family arena (apx 10 min away), a Cheerleading competition at the convention center (apx. 3 min away) and a big Mardi Gras thing on main street (no idea where).
I got my hair cut again, it's kinda the same style, just shorter, GOT to remember not to do that again...
Finally found some good books to read, it's been probably two years, give or take, since I've found really good fiction books.
Growing a lot lately, reading my Bible a lot more consistently, praying, and I've noticed my pride in certain areas, (some areas just realizing it's there, others seeing growth)
Had kind of a dry spell for a little while, and I was just struggling, that seems to be passing though.
Getting to know the people I work with better, so I hope to be a wittness to them.
Had AWANA tonight, love Sparks :D waaaay too cute!
Don't really know what else to say...ummm...
yeah, okay, I'm off for the night.
talk to all of ya later!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Hey guys you may remember me. I'm Abbi. Hannahs younger sister. I was a guest blogger once. Well, I was just doing this to tell her. UPDATE YOUR BLOG! How could you keep poor Emma waiting for new updates? You should be ashamed of yourself. Well thats all I was writing for. I may update for her later.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hello everybody!
It's been a while : )
Not a whole lot going on.
I spent the last week catching up on home ec. Some of it went really really well...some of it did not...
I'm not getting a whole lot of hours at work, I'm told it will pick up at the end of February, but we'll see...
Well, we have a new President. It's interesting to go on Fox News "hot topics" blog and read the comments...it's just an amazing spirit of patriotism, and unity our country has...No, a lot of those people just rip at the others, it's not about the country, it's about the political party. And not necessarily everybody is like that, but most of the people who are posting are. It's very sad.
I'm half nervous, half not for our country...half not because I KNOW God knows exactly what He's doing, putting President Obama in control, but I'm not exactly excited to see where our country is going to go.
Who knows though, God could allow our country to continue to decline, or He could use President Obama to turn the country around.
We can't see what the next 5 minutes are going to be much less the next 4 years.
So, completely new subject...
I'm going to Peru!
I'm gonna go see Rachel, and do a short term mission trip type thing for my graduation...which implies that I need to graduate...
I'm gonna hang out with my Grandma next weekend, looking forward to that...I really don't have much else to say so...
Night All!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
It's been a while : )
Not a whole lot going on.
I spent the last week catching up on home ec. Some of it went really really well...some of it did not...
I'm not getting a whole lot of hours at work, I'm told it will pick up at the end of February, but we'll see...
Well, we have a new President. It's interesting to go on Fox News "hot topics" blog and read the comments...it's just an amazing spirit of patriotism, and unity our country has...No, a lot of those people just rip at the others, it's not about the country, it's about the political party. And not necessarily everybody is like that, but most of the people who are posting are. It's very sad.
I'm half nervous, half not for our country...half not because I KNOW God knows exactly what He's doing, putting President Obama in control, but I'm not exactly excited to see where our country is going to go.
Who knows though, God could allow our country to continue to decline, or He could use President Obama to turn the country around.
We can't see what the next 5 minutes are going to be much less the next 4 years.
So, completely new subject...
I'm going to Peru!
I'm gonna go see Rachel, and do a short term mission trip type thing for my graduation...which implies that I need to graduate...
I'm gonna hang out with my Grandma next weekend, looking forward to that...I really don't have much else to say so...
Night All!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Quick Update
Okay, so I had a whole long thing written out, then I realized that I had it typed in Think on These Things, and blogger doesn't let you copy out of the posting box, so you get the quick version. :D
New Years Day I turned 17-I got sick and spent the day on the couch, but I got to watch BOB (band of brothers) with my dad so that was cool.
Grandma had to go home, very glad she was here!
Baby's doing good, love him lots!
Worked today, it was longer hours but the day went by pretty quick-I like everybody I work with-I got to go home early because we had so many people.
Church tomorrow, Yay! get to see everybody, (all of the sr. high went on a retreat)
Abbi take note! (If you're not Abbi feel free to ignore)-- "That post was the Comic book version!"
Alrighty! Night all!
...I told you it'd be quick!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
New Years Day I turned 17-I got sick and spent the day on the couch, but I got to watch BOB (band of brothers) with my dad so that was cool.
Grandma had to go home, very glad she was here!
Baby's doing good, love him lots!
Worked today, it was longer hours but the day went by pretty quick-I like everybody I work with-I got to go home early because we had so many people.
Church tomorrow, Yay! get to see everybody, (all of the sr. high went on a retreat)
Abbi take note! (If you're not Abbi feel free to ignore)-- "That post was the Comic book version!"
Alrighty! Night all!
...I told you it'd be quick!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
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