Not much happening, just a quick note.
Decorated for Christmas today. YAY!
Got some work done for a school project. **YAY**
Now, I have to go vaccum...vacuum...vac..vaccum. I'm sticking with the first one. : )
Just wanted to let ya know I added another blog. "Think on These Things" I'm trying to review Movies and Books.
There should be a link under my profile and on my sidebar.
Have a good night guys.
see some of you tomorrow
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Okay, so, Went out to my uncle's house for Thanksgiving, had a very nice time. Then I went to work, and had an okay time. : )
Today-game day! *Yay*
My dad's friend came over and they're upstairs playing on the computer.
We (my mom, sibs and myself) are downstairs watching movies and making crafts.
So far we have watched:
Fred Clause (I liked it)
Penelope (very cute)
and now we are watching Journey to the Center of the Earth.
We will be watching Bella and The Magic of Ordinary Days later.
I got to pick up the final item for my parent's Christmas gifts. heeheeheehee. I sneaked it into the car and hid it from my mom.
My friend Melissa is coming over tonight to watch The magic of ordinary days. Very excited.
Thanksgiving-Giving Thanks
I am thankful for my Parents, my Church especially my pastors and their families.
Alrighty, I'm off to watch the movie. : )
See ya!
Give thanks.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Today-game day! *Yay*
My dad's friend came over and they're upstairs playing on the computer.
We (my mom, sibs and myself) are downstairs watching movies and making crafts.
So far we have watched:
Fred Clause (I liked it)
Penelope (very cute)
and now we are watching Journey to the Center of the Earth.
We will be watching Bella and The Magic of Ordinary Days later.
I got to pick up the final item for my parent's Christmas gifts. heeheeheehee. I sneaked it into the car and hid it from my mom.
My friend Melissa is coming over tonight to watch The magic of ordinary days. Very excited.
Thanksgiving-Giving Thanks
I am thankful for my Parents, my Church especially my pastors and their families.
Alrighty, I'm off to watch the movie. : )
See ya!
Give thanks.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Sting, Thanksgiving, and The Pepsi Guys
What do those 3 things have in common???? Well, they're all going to be discussed in todays post, and they all involve my job.
So I worked last night from 4 until 10 o'clock.
In that time:
I traded shifts with Amy, my favorite co-worker. So I now work Thanksgiving until 10 o'clock. (that's a good thing, I want to work thanksgiving).
I dropped some beer in the cooler and it spilled. (lovely sickly sweet smell on my hands *ick*) it was only a small spill for those of you who plan to make fun, AND it's the first time it's happened. Okay first time it's happened and what I dropped broke. :)
The Pepsi guys came and filled the soda cooler, and they told us that two Pepsi guys out in Illinois had been held at gunpoint because the robbers thought they had money from QT.
Amy had a sting. In other words an 18 year old tried to buy beer, Amy carded her, which was a good thing because if she hadn't she would have gone to jail.
That made me paranoid and my rule has changed from QT's.
QT says if they look 26 or younger, card them, I say, You don't have grey hair, or you don't look my grandparents age, you will be carded.
Your opinion, time!
Okay, we have 2 guys waiting in line for the restroom, well, there is a guy (not a part-time clerk, and actual cleaner) in there cleaning. He's got this big yellow cart with a bunch of equipment sitting in front of the door, with just enough room to get through to the womens room, okay?
Customer: Is someone in there cleaning?
Me (something along the lines of ): Yes.
Customer: You should have a sign out or something.
Amy(from the checkstand): We don't have a sign.
Customer: I'm just saying, you should get one or-
Amy: All of his stuff's in front of the door. You can use the womens-
Me: I'll go check the womens.
at this point the bathroom cleaner comes out and Customer goes in.
A few minutes later Customer comes out and mutters something about "behavior for a manager"
(Amy's not a manager by the way)
So he walks to the door and starts complaining. He says he was just trying to be helpful, and he doesn't come to QT to be treated like that, that's why he goes to QT's, repeats that a few times, calls Amy a rude name and then leaves.
Okay, Amy didn't think she was rude, the Manager didn't think she was rude, I didn't think she was rude. the only place I found possible fault in was "His stuff's in front of the door"
The guy's swearing was definately not necessary, but was he right to be upset?
(this is where you comment:)
So yes, last night was interesting... busier than most Tuesdays.
My sisters and I went Christmas shopping for our parents on Monday, Totally excited, cannot wait for Christmas. (btw, I LOVE having my liscence.)
Okay, I'm off to eat breakfast and start school.
see ya all later.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
So I worked last night from 4 until 10 o'clock.
In that time:
I traded shifts with Amy, my favorite co-worker. So I now work Thanksgiving until 10 o'clock. (that's a good thing, I want to work thanksgiving).
I dropped some beer in the cooler and it spilled. (lovely sickly sweet smell on my hands *ick*) it was only a small spill for those of you who plan to make fun, AND it's the first time it's happened. Okay first time it's happened and what I dropped broke. :)
The Pepsi guys came and filled the soda cooler, and they told us that two Pepsi guys out in Illinois had been held at gunpoint because the robbers thought they had money from QT.
Amy had a sting. In other words an 18 year old tried to buy beer, Amy carded her, which was a good thing because if she hadn't she would have gone to jail.
That made me paranoid and my rule has changed from QT's.
QT says if they look 26 or younger, card them, I say, You don't have grey hair, or you don't look my grandparents age, you will be carded.
Your opinion, time!
Okay, we have 2 guys waiting in line for the restroom, well, there is a guy (not a part-time clerk, and actual cleaner) in there cleaning. He's got this big yellow cart with a bunch of equipment sitting in front of the door, with just enough room to get through to the womens room, okay?
Customer: Is someone in there cleaning?
Me (something along the lines of ): Yes.
Customer: You should have a sign out or something.
Amy(from the checkstand): We don't have a sign.
Customer: I'm just saying, you should get one or-
Amy: All of his stuff's in front of the door. You can use the womens-
Me: I'll go check the womens.
at this point the bathroom cleaner comes out and Customer goes in.
A few minutes later Customer comes out and mutters something about "behavior for a manager"
(Amy's not a manager by the way)
So he walks to the door and starts complaining. He says he was just trying to be helpful, and he doesn't come to QT to be treated like that, that's why he goes to QT's, repeats that a few times, calls Amy a rude name and then leaves.
Okay, Amy didn't think she was rude, the Manager didn't think she was rude, I didn't think she was rude. the only place I found possible fault in was "His stuff's in front of the door"
The guy's swearing was definately not necessary, but was he right to be upset?
(this is where you comment:)
So yes, last night was interesting... busier than most Tuesdays.
My sisters and I went Christmas shopping for our parents on Monday, Totally excited, cannot wait for Christmas. (btw, I LOVE having my liscence.)
Okay, I'm off to eat breakfast and start school.
see ya all later.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Sunday, November 16, 2008
nothing going on. Sparks are having their hike tonight, so if anything interseting happens i'll update ya tonight. : )
here are some pics.

can you guess my favorite holiday time?
have a good night everybody. : )
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Good evening all!
I worked yesterday, had a very nice time. It was a long night, I guess that's just Tuesdays though. I got to talk to two of my coworkers about homeschooling, and the adoption (for those of you out of the loop my parents and my sibs and I are trying to adopt)
It was very cool, I really like the people I work with.
Had school today and church tonight.
Tonight we talked about being under the influence of the world. Pastor C. gave us a list of "Biblical ways to discern whether a certain activity glorifies God" Because I watch movies and tv a lot, that's what I will generally apply it to.
Here's the list:
Another couple of points made, include:
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
I worked yesterday, had a very nice time. It was a long night, I guess that's just Tuesdays though. I got to talk to two of my coworkers about homeschooling, and the adoption (for those of you out of the loop my parents and my sibs and I are trying to adopt)
It was very cool, I really like the people I work with.
Had school today and church tonight.
Tonight we talked about being under the influence of the world. Pastor C. gave us a list of "Biblical ways to discern whether a certain activity glorifies God" Because I watch movies and tv a lot, that's what I will generally apply it to.
Here's the list:
- Does it present a temptation to sin? (Rom 13:14; 2Tim 2:22)
- Is it beneficial? (1 Cor 6:12a; 10:23)
- Is it enslaving? (1 Cor 6:12b) (I define it as something you have to do, something you have to watch, putting it at much to high a priority, in my case, something that would go above schoolwork, Bible reading, Prayer time)
- Does it honor and glorify God? (1 Cor 10:31) (Ouch, that one hurts)
- Does it promote the good of others? Is it edifying? (1 Cor 10:33) (Ouch again)
- Does it cause anyone to stumble? (1 Corinthians 10:32) This is a big thing too, it shows how selfish I can be. Am I so selfish that I'm not willing to give up something so stupid. (and really, just about any show is not that important, it really isn't beneficial to me,) but, in not willing to give up that show, I have decided to let someone spiritually hurt, and stumble and fall? That's something to think about.
- Does it arrive from a pure motive? (Jeremiah 17:9) Now, the motive in life is to glorify God in all you do, you were saved to glorify God. So, when you are watching that show/movie, who/what are you glorifying?
Another couple of points made, include:
- Movies and TV should not be default free time
- The only thing that's non-negotialbe, is that I have to do what God has said, I can give up TV time, that is negotiable.
- You should be able to critique on Biblical Values. TV shows, movies, music, anything, you should be discussing not only the good graphics of the movie, or the good dialouge, but what were some elements of truth, what was error? so on and so forth.
I really appreciate all of my pastors at my church. I just thought you guys should know that.
I took a practice ACT test for the English test today, did relatively well, so, now I have to look at the math one, and I read over some of it and I am reaaallly nervous about that one. So, we'll see.
I don't really know how to study for a math test...
Alrighty, I am off.
Night all!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Monday, November 10, 2008
No Clever Title Tonight
Sooo... A lot has happened since I last updated.
Abbi figured out my password for one... have to change that...
no just kidding, I let her update for me.
Lets see... I worked election night, that was nice. It was really slow, 'cuz everyone was at home watching the election I guess.
So, Obama is now our President-elect. I have to say, I don't agree with the man, but, as my President, he will have my prayers and my respect. (Romans13:7)
You do realize, that God appoints our President, since He is the one who puts rulers into place. (Romans 13:1) so, whining about your leader is criticizing God's decision.
Okay, so, last Thursday went over to my Aunt and Uncles house and spent the night so I could put my cousins on the bus in the morning for them. That was pretty cool. (I really like having my license) I watched "Pride and Prejudice" with Kiera Knightly. I really like Jane Austen's works, I'll have to actually read her books one of these days. : )
Friday I went over to my Grandma's house and spent the night, I watched "Pride and Prejudice" and "Santa Clause 3"
I like "Pride and Prejudice" Okay?
The cold weather has finally hit, and it is very cold. The days have gotten that snowy look to them and it gets dark really early, so Christmas is on my mind.
(My absolute favorite holiday by the way.)
I work tomorrow, have two tests, English and Math. Took my American Government test today and think I did well.
Sunday, I went to my Aunt and Uncles for my cousin's birthday party, had a very nice time, then had AWANA's with my Sparkies!!!
Was feeling kinda lonely Sunday, but, feeling better now.
My sisters and I got to spend like an hour Sunday night talking to my Dad about anything and everything, it was very cool. My parents are awesome.
So, found out my GPA was 2.53, so it still needs to go up. I'm trying to do better in school, to make myself work at it. But, me being lazy, makes it difficult, so that's an area I'm trying to grow in.
NANC is two weeks away already! Can you believe that?! The third and final session. : (
I've been playing on the piano more lately, I'm trying to combine two pieces of music that I have. (Carol of the Bells and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. My two favorite Christmas songs) That's going okay but not fantastic, I don't know if I'll be able to do it or not. I can not wait for all of those old horrible Christmas movies to come on TV, Rudolph and Jack Frost, I really like those. I like sitting and watching them with my sisters, with the lights off but the Christmas lights hung inside the room on. The Christmas tree lights on too.
Alrighty, I'm off to go see what my mom's up to. My sisters are watching "Pride and Prejudice" (can you tell we don't own the movie?) and waiting for Heroes to record.
So, night all!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Abbi figured out my password for one... have to change that...
no just kidding, I let her update for me.
Lets see... I worked election night, that was nice. It was really slow, 'cuz everyone was at home watching the election I guess.
So, Obama is now our President-elect. I have to say, I don't agree with the man, but, as my President, he will have my prayers and my respect. (Romans13:7)
You do realize, that God appoints our President, since He is the one who puts rulers into place. (Romans 13:1) so, whining about your leader is criticizing God's decision.
Okay, so, last Thursday went over to my Aunt and Uncles house and spent the night so I could put my cousins on the bus in the morning for them. That was pretty cool. (I really like having my license) I watched "Pride and Prejudice" with Kiera Knightly. I really like Jane Austen's works, I'll have to actually read her books one of these days. : )
Friday I went over to my Grandma's house and spent the night, I watched "Pride and Prejudice" and "Santa Clause 3"
I like "Pride and Prejudice" Okay?
The cold weather has finally hit, and it is very cold. The days have gotten that snowy look to them and it gets dark really early, so Christmas is on my mind.
(My absolute favorite holiday by the way.)
I work tomorrow, have two tests, English and Math. Took my American Government test today and think I did well.
Sunday, I went to my Aunt and Uncles for my cousin's birthday party, had a very nice time, then had AWANA's with my Sparkies!!!
Was feeling kinda lonely Sunday, but, feeling better now.
My sisters and I got to spend like an hour Sunday night talking to my Dad about anything and everything, it was very cool. My parents are awesome.
So, found out my GPA was 2.53, so it still needs to go up. I'm trying to do better in school, to make myself work at it. But, me being lazy, makes it difficult, so that's an area I'm trying to grow in.
NANC is two weeks away already! Can you believe that?! The third and final session. : (
I've been playing on the piano more lately, I'm trying to combine two pieces of music that I have. (Carol of the Bells and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. My two favorite Christmas songs) That's going okay but not fantastic, I don't know if I'll be able to do it or not. I can not wait for all of those old horrible Christmas movies to come on TV, Rudolph and Jack Frost, I really like those. I like sitting and watching them with my sisters, with the lights off but the Christmas lights hung inside the room on. The Christmas tree lights on too.
Alrighty, I'm off to go see what my mom's up to. My sisters are watching "Pride and Prejudice" (can you tell we don't own the movie?) and waiting for Heroes to record.
So, night all!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Quick Trip
just got home from work about 20 minutes ago.
now i'm updating, eating a bag of chocolate covered pretzels, drinking sprite, and watching the cosby show.
not much has happened for me to update you on.
Worked today and yesterday, and only work tuesday next week. had a very long night, very very busy.
I worked halloween night, and if every halloween night was like that one, I would be happy to work that night.
every one was in a good mood, no one was ticked when i told them i couldn't sell them their beer. And we had some good costumes come through. : )
We had :
A cow
A pirate
two convicts
and this afternoon:
the joker from 'the dark night' ( I still want to see that movie )
i can't remember any other good ones.
i think i'm going to try to illiustrate my title "in the center" with a drawing. Not sure yet.
ummmm..... trying to think of something to write....
i'm coming up with nothing.
so, good night everybody, and dont forget to set your clocks back!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
just got home from work about 20 minutes ago.
now i'm updating, eating a bag of chocolate covered pretzels, drinking sprite, and watching the cosby show.
not much has happened for me to update you on.
Worked today and yesterday, and only work tuesday next week. had a very long night, very very busy.
I worked halloween night, and if every halloween night was like that one, I would be happy to work that night.
every one was in a good mood, no one was ticked when i told them i couldn't sell them their beer. And we had some good costumes come through. : )
We had :
A cow
A pirate
two convicts
and this afternoon:
the joker from 'the dark night' ( I still want to see that movie )
i can't remember any other good ones.
i think i'm going to try to illiustrate my title "in the center" with a drawing. Not sure yet.
ummmm..... trying to think of something to write....
i'm coming up with nothing.
so, good night everybody, and dont forget to set your clocks back!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations... Matthew 28:19
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